ndustrial.io offers analytical engines that help businesses control production, improve energy efficiency, and eliminate waste. They help organizations, primarily mid-tier manufacturers, become more competitive through energy efficiency, waste elimination, and other fiscally responsible, environmentally intelligent solutions. With a proprietary industrial operating system, the company integrates legacy data, streamlines deployments of new Industrial IoT assets, and hosts model predictive control algorithms. ndustrial.io services include energy efficiency retrofits, real-time energy analytics and sustainability monitoring software, renewable energy technologies, and sustainability consulting. It also deploys real-time cloud=based applications for factories and industrial facilities around the world. ndustrial.io was founded in 2015 and is based in Durham, North Carolina, United States.
Boston Materials manufactures Z-axis Carbon Fiber products that can revolutionize the $130B+ lightweight materials market and unlock significant GHG emissions reductions across industries. Boston Materials products add new conductivity, stiffness, and durability benefits to existing composite materials, like carbon fiber, and sheet metals. The company's products are made using 100 percent reclaimed carbon fiber enabling up to 80 percent GHG emissions savings compared to standard composite materials and metals.
ConnectDER we craft technology and business solutions for the distributed generation industry. Our flagship product provides plug-and-play grid integration for distributed energy resources (DERs) like solar power, energy storage, and electric vehicles.
Nth Cycle is a metal refining company. We work with scrap recyclers and miners to recover production-grade critical metals from industrial scrap, low-grade ore, and refining waste. Our patented electro-extraction technology, The Oyster — an alternative to hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy — enables customizable, clean, and consistent recovery of the critical metals for the energy transition.
Aepnus develops low-cost electrolysis equipment to electrify and decarbonize the production of commodity chemicals needed to transition to a carbon-free industry. Salts of Lithium, Sodium, NMC Cathodes, as well as Hydrochloric acid, Sulfuric Acid, and Caustic Soda, are some of the chemicals we currently focus on. By electrifying mineral and chemical refinement trains, we enable domestic production of these materials and position the US as a leader in the global energy transition.
Advanced Ionics provides electrochemical technologies for the energy and chemical industries. It enables customers to save money, enhance efficiency, promote economic security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Chad Mason established Advanced Ionics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2017.
LineVision enables utilities to improve transmission line capacity, resilience and safety through advanced, non-contact sensors and analytics. LineVision’s solution provides utility clients with previously unavailable visibility on asset health and safety for optimized asset management. LineVision’s turnkey, non-contact systems can be rapidly deployed without the need for outages, live line work or specialized equipment. LineVision is dedicated to helping utilities optimize the performance of the electric power grid.